Treatment Options


Chiropractic adjustments are an integral part of our profession that separates us from other healthcare providers.  They are typically a safe and comfortable form of treatment.  Dr. Smith adjusts patients in a variety of ways depending on the patient's condition and personal preference.  This form of adjusting is known as a diversified style of Chiropractic care.  Dr. Smith uses his hands to perform manual adjustments in multiple ways. 

Manual Adjusting - the use of hands to mobilize a joint.  A cavitation sound can be felt and heard with this type of adjustment.  This is simply the release of gas within the joint space as proper alignment and motion are returned to the joint.

Drop-piece – utilizes a special table in which a portion of the table is lifted and pushed down causing the table to come to a stop. 

Flexion/Distraction – is a technique in which the patient lays flat on their stomach and the table bends them at the waist.  This is used to distract, stretch, and decompress the spine.

S.O.T. blocks – are wedges placed under the pelvis and legs to align the lower back and pelvis.

Activator – or "clicking tool", as most patients refer to it, is an instrument used to adjust the spine.  This is a low force technique designed for patients who are not able to receive a manual adjustment or those uncomfortable with manual adjustments.

Dr. Smith will ask your preference and adjust you according to what you are most comfortable with, assuming there is not a medical condition that would prevent the use of a preferred adjusting technique.



Ultrasound waves are produced when an electric current passes through a crystal, which is inside the ultrasound wand.  The electric current causes the crystal to vibrate, creating the sounds waves.  The high frequency of ultrasound allows the waves to pass through the skin and into deeper tissues, like muscle, ligaments and joints.  Since ultrasound waves cannot pass through the air, a water-based gel is used as a coupling agent to transmit the waves through the skin.

Ultrasound waves penetrate the tissue, causing friction and vibration.  This effect micro-massages the tissues, reduces inflammation and swelling, decreases pain through the production of your body's own pain-relievers (endorphins and enkephalins) and increases blood flow to stimulate healing.  The patient will feel gentle heat and the massage of the sound head, but the sound waves will not be felt.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation

EMS uses an electrical current which is passed through the skin via special conducting electrical pads.  The machine creates an electrical frequency that passes from one pad, through the tissue in between, and exits at another pad.  EMS typically uses four pads, two black and two red.  Current passes between like-colored pads.  The four pads are placed around the area of treatment, thus the current will travel through the injured tissues. 

The frequency used is chosen to stimulate a specific activity in the area of treatment.  Most often, the current frequency used relaxes tight muscles, decreases pain through production of your body's own pain-relievers (endorphins and enkephalins), reduces swelling and increases blood flow to stimulate healing.

Laser Therapy

MLS Laser Therapy is an advanced laser technology that works to eliminate pain and reduce inflammation in the body in a safe, painless, and non-invasive way. This therapy utilizes dual wavelengths of infrared light to penetrate deep into the tissue and stimulate regeneration at the cellular level.   You can learn more about MLS Laser Therapy here.


Graston is a form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization.  These instruments are used to treat scar tissue and restrictions or adhesions in the soft tissue.  Scar tissue limits range of motion, and in many cases will cause pain that limits normal function. Graston separates and breaks scar tissue while stretching connective tissue and muscle fibers.  It also increases blood flow to and from the area and increases cellular activity in the region, including fibroblasts and mast cells.  These specialized cells help reabsorb the broken-up scar tissue and rebuild healthy, normal tissue.   Please visit the Graston website for more information:

Therapeutic Exercises

These homecare recommendations are specific stretching and strengthening exercises that Dr. Smith will ask you to perform.  They are designed to help stretch tight muscles and strengthen weak muscles, both of which contribute to pain.  These exercises are designed to speed up recovery which allows you to feel better faster, and prevent reoccurrences.